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The Artist will come to your school or community group for a length of time and schedule a series of art projects during the residency to link in with a chosen theme.  It is possible to get art grants for these type of residencies. The school and artist can work together to pursue a grant.


Artist in Residency is a great way to commemorate a community’s anniversary or to create a school project on a special theme.


The Artist in Residency can take the form of a number of small art activities or centre on the development of one major project.


Examples of themes used previously:

  • 25 years Anniversary
  • Anti Bullying / Team Building
  • Historical Art Linked to a nearby Neolithic Site
  • Cultural exchange / Town Twinning
  • The Millennium
  • The Olympics
  • Local History
  • Schools achievements

For Further details or to explore the possibilities contact us